西乃山醫療中心電台直播籌款 : 「千層GOAL」大挑戰

請於3月6 日收聽FM 91.9 及FM100. 7 連續 11 小時的精彩直播節目!

在星期四,3月6 日早上7時至黃昏6時收聽星島A1中文電台,屆到時會有醫生、護士、病人及照顧者分享他們的勵志故事。 


請即捐款及一同競猜 : 每一步都能夠與西乃山醫療中心共創未來!



誰勝誰敗將於 3月6 日西乃山醫療中心電台直播籌款當日自有分曉 !。





1.    於西乃山醫療中心電台直播籌款節目中捐款100 元或以上
2.    選擇您支持的隊伍
3.    於3月6 日,星期四,下午4 點前投票



  • Unionville 運動俱樂部6個月會員 (兩名) 
  • 繽紛郵輪贊助三晚全新Utopia of the Sea遊輪,巴哈馬加勒比海之旅 


2025 年 3 月 6 日,星期四早
上 7 時至黃昏 6 時


FM 91.9: 上午7時至11時
FM 100.7: 上午11時至黃昏6時


YouTube/Facebook (4 p.m. - 6 p.m.)


Frequently Asked Questions

Where, when and how can I listen to the program?

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Radio stations: 

7 a.m. – 11 a.m. | FM 91.9 

11 a.m. – 6 p.m. | FM 100.7 

A1’s livestream platforms: 

7 a.m. – 6 p.m. | A1 Chinese Radio App | A1 Chinese Radio Official Website 

4 p.m. – 6 p.m. | YouTube | Facebook 

Will there be a donation hotline? 

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Our donation hotline is local phone number: 289 334 1659 and toll-Free phone number:1 877 463 6554 

The hotline will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 6. We can’t wait to chat with you! 

How can I donate?

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Donate online by credit card here 

By cheque: Make cheques payable to Sinai Health Foundation. Drop off in person or mail to: 

Sinai Health Foundation 
1001 522 University Ave 
Toronto, ON M5G 1W7 
Re: Radiothon 2025 

Donation Receipt 

Donations of $10 or more are eligible for tax receipts. For online donations, donors will receive an automated electronic tax receipt to their email. For cash, cheque tax receipts will be sent by mail. Donations are in CAD. 

Only Canadian charitable tax receipts will be issued. 

Where will my money go? 

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Funds raised by Sinai Health Radiothon will be directed toward the hospital’s greatest needs – from supporting the mental health of the Chinese community to enhance care for patients battling cancer, undergoing life-changing surgeries and requiring emergency intervention to advancing groundbreaking research at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI), expanding the boundaries of medical science and innovation. 

What are the terms and conditions for the contest?

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Sinai Health Foundation reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the contest. Prizes are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Sinai Health Foundation.

A minimum donation of $100 is required to enter the contest. Only the winner will be notified directly via the email provided at the time of payment.

For full terms and conditions, please refer to them here.